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Not For the SQEM-ish

This is a "Quick-n-Dirty" SQEM (Software Quality Engineering Manual) flow chart:
(NOTE: Most "software engineers" only bother with the 'red' portions)

               Software Quality Engineering Manual Flow Chart

                           |  System Spec.  |
                           |     (EICD)     |  (Electrical Interface Control Drawing)
 .--------------.          .----------------.                  .----------------.
 |   Schedule   |          | Software Dev.  |                  | System Req.    |
 | (Gantt Chart)|<---------| Plan (SDP)     |----------------->| Analysis (SRA) |
 '--------------'          '----------------'                  '----------------'
         |                         |                                    |
         V                         V                                    V
 .--------------.          .------------------.                .----------------.
 |  Resources   |          | Software Product |<---------------| System Design  |
 |(People/Equip)|          | Specification    |                | Document (SSDD)|
 '--------------'          |      (SPP)       |>--------.      '----------------'
                           '------------------'         |        |      |
                                   |              .-----|--------'      |
                                   V              |     |               V
                           .------------------.   |     |      .-----------------.
                           | Interface Req.   |--------------->| Hardware Config |
                           | Specification    |   |  .---------| Interface (HWCI)|>----.
                           |     (IRS)        |   |  |  |      '-----------------'     |
                           '------------------'   |  |  |                              |
                                   |              |  |  |                              |
 .--------------.                  V              |  |  |                              |
 | Comp Systems |          .------------------.   |  |  |      .------------------.    |
 |  Op Manual   |<---------| Interface Design |<-----'  |      | Computer Resource|    |
 |    (CSCM)    |    |     | Document (IDD)   |   |  .---------| Integration and  |    |
 '--------------'    |     '------------------'   |  |  |      | Integration Doc  |    |
                     |             |              |  |  |      |     (CRISD)      |    |
                     |             |              |  |  |      '------------------'    |
                     |             |              |  |  |                              |
                     |             V              |  |  |                              |
 .--------------.    |     .------------------.   |  |  |      .------------------.    |
 | Software User|<---'     |  Software Req.   |<--'  |  '----->|     Use Case     |    |
 |   Manual     |          |  Specification   |<-----'         |     Document     |    |
 |    (SUM)     |<---------|       (SRS)      |<---------------|       (UCD)      |    |
 '--------------'    |     '------------------'                '------------------'    |
                     |             |           \                        |              |
                     |             V            \                       V              |
 .--------------.    |     .------------------.  \             .------------------.    |
 |  Software    |    |     |  Software Design |   '----------->|    System Test   |    |
 |  Program     |<---' .---|  Document(s)     |--------------->|    Description   |    |
 |  Manual (SPM)|      |   |      (SDDs)      |   .----------->|       (STD)      |<---'
 '--------------'      |   '------------------'   |           /'------------------'
                       |           |              |          /          |
                       |           V              |         /           V
 .--------------.      |   .------------------.   |        /   .------------------.
 |  Data Item   |<-----'   | Computer Software|   |       /    |      Software    |
 |  Description |          | Components/Units |---'      /     |  Test Proceure   |----.
 |     (DID)    |<-------->|    CSCs & CSUs   |         /      |        (STP)     |    |
 '--------------'          '------------------'        /       '------------------'    |
                                   |                  /                                |
                                   V                 /                                 |
 .--------------.          .------------------.     /          .------------------.    |
 |  "Software"  |<---------| Software Coding  |>---'           | Coding Guidelines|    |
 |    (CSCI)    |          |  "Code Monkeys"  |<---------------| "Rule Book for   |    |
 |  Executable  |------.   '------------------'                |   Code-Monkeys   |    |
 '--------------'      |           |                           |    (CGRBFCM)     |    |
       /|\             |           |                           '------------------'    |
        |              |           V                                                   |
        |              |   .----------------------.                                    |
        |              |   | Formal Qualification |<-----------------------------------'
        |              |   |  Testing (FQT))      |                                    |
        |              |   '----------------------'                                    |
        |              |           |                                                   |
        |              |           |                                                   |
       \|/             |           V                                                   |
 .--------------.      |   .-------------------.               .------------------.    |
 |  Firmware    |      |   |Version Description|               |  Software Test   |<---'
 |  Support     |      |   |  Document (VDD)   |<--------------| Report (STR)or   |
 |  Manual (FSM)|      |   '-------------------'               '------------------'
 '--------------'      |
                       |   .------------------.
                       '-->| Release to the   |
                           |     Customer     |

(NOTE: ASCII art isn't fun)

The above is an iterative process.

--Cpt. Vince Foster
2nd Cannon Place
Fort Marcy Park, VA