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Serial Port Routine

To avoid the overhead of printf() I have created the following routine:

void write_0(unsigned char* c)

     int cnt = 0;
     int len = strlen( c );

//   Disable interrupts
     EA = 0 ;

     for ( cnt = 0; cnt < len; cnt++ )

          tx_buffer_0[ tx_write_0++ ] = c[ cnt ];

      } //__for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ )__

      EA = 1;

//    Prime buffer
      if ( sys_tx_0_ready )

          sys_tx_0_ready = 0;
          TI_0 = 1;

      } //__if ( sys_tx_0_ready )__


In my serial ISR I have the following:

void Serial_isr(void) interrupt 4

//   Handle port 0 tx
     if ( TI_0 )
         TI_0 = 0;

         if ( sys_tx_0_ready == 0 )

             SBUF0 = tx_buffer_0[ tx_read_0++ ];

             if ( tx_write_0 == tx_read_0 )
                 sys_tx_0_ready = 1;

         }//__if ( sys_tx_0_ready == 0 )__

     } //__if ( TI_0 )__


The code works, I was just wondering if anyone could suggest a better way of doing this.
