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STM32 - building user application for DFU

I am using the STM32 Cortex M3 processor. I am having trouble building a project that can be downloaded via USB DFU. I have DFU working and I can download the sample .dfu images without error. My question is how to I configure my Keil project to build an image for dfu download. Please tell me where I am going wrong.

I build the project for base flash address of 0x8003000. I create a .hex file and then run the ST dfu file generation tool. When I download the resultant dfu file I either get an error during download or I get a failure on verification. It seems that I must have missed a step.

  • Hello Merrill Harriman,

    If you use the latest uVision version you will find a compiled HTML helpfile in folder ...\Keil\ARM\Boards\ST\CQ-STARM2 which describes how to prepare uVision projects for downloading with DfuSe.
    In this folder you will also find more example projects configured for DfuSe.
    You can download the latest uVision version from

    Best Regards,
    Martin Guenther