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SPI Master Slave Comm

I am into a project where I need 2 establish communication between ADuc814(Master) and ADuc841(Slave). Master shud Receive data transmitted by Slave. I am unable to establish the comm. I feel there is no response 4rm slave as though master generates the clock and SS pin is low, slave does not response.
Is it necessary that both master and slave should operate in same CLOCK??
For Hardware connection, MOSI, MISO, SCLK and SS pins of Master and Slave are connected.
Foll is the code
Master Code
#include <ADUC814.H>
unsigned char Data[20]; //Store SPI Rx data in Memory
void Uart_Tx(unsigned char AsciData); // Serial Tx
sbit SS = 0xB5;
void main()
{ char i;
PLLCON = 0x00; // Core Clk = 16.6777MHz
RCAP2H = -1;
RCAP2L = 0x92; //baud 0f 4800
TH2 = -1;
TL2 = 0x92;
SCON = 0x50;
T2CON = 0x34;

CFG814 = 0x01; // Enable P3.5,6,7 for SPI
SPICON = 0x37; // Master, CPOH=1,CPOL=0
SS = 0; // Slave Select Enable

{ SPIDAT = 0x00; // SPI Clock Generate while(!ISPI); ISPI = 0; Data[i] = (unsigned char) SPIDAT;

/////////Serial Tx SPI Data into UART////////// for(i=0;i<20;i++) { Uart_Tx(Data[i]); Uart_Tx('\n'); }

Slave Code ADuC841
void main()
{ char i;

SPICON = 0x24; // Slave, CPOH=1, CPOL=0

for(i=0;i<20;i++) { SPIDAT = 0x38; /* Transmit Dummy Data, Asci 4 '8'.*/ while(!ISPI); ISPI = 0; }


Friendzzzz Please Help.........