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Proteus and Keil debugging using LPC2106

To whom may help,

I'm trying to debug a small program in keil uVision 3 together with Proteus VSM 6.9 SP4 considering a LPC2106 microcontroller, but i have the following error message in proteus and keil:

Design: D:\teste\design_proteus.DSN
Doc. no.: <NONE>
Revision: <NONE>
Author: <NONE>
Created: 26/03/07
Modified: 26/03/07

Compiling source files...
Build completed OK.
Compiling netlist...
Linking netlist...
WARNING [LINKER] : Unresolved module pin 'U1_XTAL1'.
WARNING [LINKER] : Unresolved module pin 'U1_XTAL2'.
Partition analysis...

Simulating partition 1 [C41B27E5]...
PROSPICE Release 6.9 SP4 (C) Labcenter Electronics 1993-2006.
SPICE Kernel Version 3f5. (C) Berkeley University ERL.

Reading netlist...
Reading SPICE models...
Building circuit...
Instantiating SPICE models...
ERROR: [U1_ARMCORE] PROGRAM property not specified.
[U1_SYSCON] Memory configuration: 128KB ROM, 64KB RAM
[DSIM] BOOT Error.
Real Time Simulation failed to start
Totaliters=0, Totalsteps=0, Goodsteps=0, Badsteps=0

Real Time Simulation FAILED.

And below, the keil log (Keil warns that the correct design was not loaded in Proteus):

API[0]: vdm_open
API[0]: vdm_init
COMMAND[0]: code=1, space=0, addr=00000000, data=128
RESULT[0]: 5
API[0]: vdm_close

***VDMAPI Terminated

As far as I know, keil as well as proteus were properly configured. In fact, they communicate with each other but the above error occurs. In the case of proteus, if i set the hex file inside LPC2106, it executes normally.
Anyone can help me? !
