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I've got a problem with strtod() from the stdlib and I still don't get it. I cannot find the mistake.

Using the example from the online-help

void tst_strtod (void) {
  float f;
  char s [] = "1.23 other";
  char *p;

  f = strtod (s, &p);
  printf ("strtod(%s) = %f\n", s, f);

/* p points to " other" */

seems to work until I try to use the pointer p. It points somewhere but obviously not to " other".
Adding the line

  printf ("s = %p, p = %p\r", s, p);


strtod(1.23 other) = 1.23
s = 3019E, p = 42F60000

Thanks for your Advice. I'm using C166 V6.04
Regards, Marcus