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CMSIS-FreeRTOS Hard Fault

I downloaded the CMSIS-RTOS Blinky with STM32CubeMX (STM32F769I-Discovery) example from
the Pack installer.

After running with the initially configured RTX5 RTOS implementation I used the Manage
run-time environment tool and changed to FreeRTOS (V10.0.1).

The app now fails with a hard fault error during SystemClock_Configwhile calling
HAL_RCC_OscConfig(&RCC_OscInitStruct) during the HAK_GetTick (implemented by Nops
since RTOS has not started) it crashes just like my TouchGFX project.

So is there a problem with the latest FreeRTOS implementation in MDK or
is there some additional configuration needed not performed by the auto code generator?