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Communication via ST-Link and µVision Printf Viewer

Started with a STM32F072 Nucleo with Keil MDK using ST-Link of Evaluation board.

Managed to do printf()/putchar() output to uVision 'Serial Debug (printf) Viewer'
via EventRecorder (DAP).
But: How to get input?
How to configure UART (USART2?) to get STDIO (STDOUT and STDIN) through ST-Link-USB.
How to communicate with Nucleo board application via STLink Virtual COM Port
using terminal application on PC? Which bitrate?

Checked SB61, SB62, SB63 of Nucleo board, all three are open,
so PA2/PA3 of F072 should go as USART2-Tx/Rx to ST-Link MCU (CN3 also open).