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C programming Fibonacci Question

This is my homework question. I'm still pretty new to programming with C using Keil/uVision. I'm not looking for the direct answers and would like to learn but I have no idea what I am doing wrong or right really. I know a basic background of c++. This is what I have so far for the first part. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Write a C-program to:
•Automatically generate the Fibonacci sequence numbers up to 233 from an input given by the user on P1 (lower 4 bits).
•Display each number up to the input index value on P2 (e.g. if P1 inputs 00000011, first three numbers of the series will be displayed on P2 with a delay in between) and allow a 250 ms delay for the user to observe the displayed value. Assume a delay sub-routine is available for your use.

------My Code Below------

#include <reg51.h>

void main()

sbit T1 = P1;
int fib = 0;
int prev = 0;
T1 = 1; for (int i = 0; i < T1; i++) { while (i == 1) { fib = 1; i++; } i--; fib = fib + prev; prev = fib; }
