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Problems drawing on UC1698 LCD with emwin keil lib

I am using STM32F207 mC, UC1698 monochrome LCD and emwin library for Keil to develop a Display.

It displays texts and horizontal lines perfectly but when trying to display other figures (triangles, circles, diagonal lines...) it paints not only the information I want, but also some random pixels arround it. Sometimes it even cuts part of the figure and paints it in other part of the screen (usually solved by shifting the figure a few pixels).

I have been debuging my writing/reading functions and it seems to be a problem reading the pixels status. This LCD has pixels grouped on triplets so, before writing, it has to read previous status to modify just the desired pixel and left the other triplets members unmodified. Sometimes it fails reading this status and returns that a pixel is black when it is actually white.

Have anyone faced this problem before?

Mi bus is configures as 8 bits so I need 2 operations to read/write a triplet. I have tried modifying chip select timmings with no result.

Could anyone give me a hint of what could be the problem?
