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migrating from RTX1 to 5, code entry issue.

I need to move to RTX5 And I think I have it set up right based on the migration notes. My code in app_main never runs?

void app_main (void const *argument)
//this code never runs
                uint8_t buf[2];
                USBD_Initialize(0);                 /* USB Device 0 Initialization        */
                USBD_Connect   (0);                 /* USB Device 0 Connect               */

                //init OBDGenie
                device = getDevice();

                while (1) //usb loop



osThreadDef(app_main, osPriorityNormal, 1, 0);

int main (void)
  HAL_Init();                           /* Initialize the HAL Library         */
  SystemClock_Config();                 /* Configure the System Clock         */
  SystemCoreClockUpdate();              // Update system clock4

  osThreadCreate(osThread(app_main), NULL);
  for (;;);
