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what's the definition of "LOCALM" in RTX (RL-TCPnet)

I want to modify the default gateway of the system, RTX provide "LOCALM" for modifying the relevant parameter. But I cannot find the definition of "LOCALM" so that cannot find the member of the instance to modify the default gateway. Please give me some advices.

  • In MDK 4.74 it's in Net_Config.h

    typedef struct localm {           /* << Local Machine info >>                */
      U8  IpAdr[IP_ADRLEN];           /* Local IP Address                        */
      U8  DefGW[IP_ADRLEN];           /* Default GateWay                         */
      U8  NetMask[IP_ADRLEN];         /* Net Mask                                */
      U8  PriDNS[IP_ADRLEN];          /* Primary DNS Server                      */
      U8  SecDNS[IP_ADRLEN];          /* Secondary DNS Server                    */
    } LOCALM;

    Just do a search of files if you're using a different version.