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STM32F407 Ethernet inicialization problem with Uvision4


I am using STM32F407 with uvision4, RL-TCPnet from keil and I have a problem in the Ethernet inicialization.

When I turn on the PC and turn on the board at the same time the Ethernet doesn’t work , but if I turn on the PC and after that I turn on the board the communication works.

I have two client sockets and one server socket.
I have no hub, just the ethernet cable direct.

Do anyone already have this kind of problem?

The code is:

 int main (void){
    init_TcpNet ();

    socket_tcp_cliente = tcp_get_socket (TCP_TYPE_CLIENT, 0, 5, tcp_callback_OSC);
  socket_tcp = tcp_get_socket (TCP_TYPE_CLIENT, 0, 5, tcp_callback_OSC);

   /* Initialize TCP Socket and start listening */
    socket_tcp_escrita = tcp_get_socket (TCP_TYPE_SERVER, 0, 30, tcp_callback);

    if (socket_tcp_escrita != 0) {
        tcp_listen (socket_tcp_escrita, 2002);

  os_sys_init (task_init); /* Inicializa Sistema Operacional   */
 __task void timer_task (void){

os_itv_set (100);
while (1) { timer_tick (); tick = __TRUE; os_itv_wait (); } }
 __task void task_Resposta (void){

    char estado_tcp = 0;
    unsigned int indice = 0;
  //  os_itv_set(100);
        estado_tcp = tcp_get_state(socket_tcp_cliente);
        switch (estado_tcp) {

            case TCP_STATE_FREE:

            case TCP_STATE_CLOSED:
                Rem_IP[3] = 62;
                    if (tcp_connect (socket_tcp_cliente, Rem_IP, 5001, 0)){
                        delay_oscilografia = 100;
                        delay_oscilografia = 1000;

            case TCP_STATE_CONNECT:
                if (tcp_check_send (socket_tcp_cliente) == __TRUE) {
                     sendbuf_Resposta = tcp_get_buf(1206);
                     sendbuf_Resposta[0] = 'O';
                     sendbuf_Resposta[1] = 'S';
                     sendbuf_Resposta[2] = 'C';

                 for (indice = 0; indice < 1200; indice++)
                            sendbuf_Resposta[indice + 3] = Oscilografia_IHM[indice];

                     sendbuf_Resposta[indice + 3] = 'O';
                     sendbuf_Resposta[indice + 4] = 'S';
                     sendbuf_Resposta[indice + 5] = 'C';

                            cont_teste_IHM ++;
                     tcp_send (socket_tcp_cliente, sendbuf_Resposta, 1206);
  //     os_itv_wait();
 *  Task 5: Ethernet Tcp Task

__task void tcp_task(void){ while (1) {
main_TcpNet(); os_tsk_pass(); } }
 U16 tcp_callback_OSC (U8 soc, U8 evt, U8 *ptr, U16 par) {

            if (soc == socket_tcp) {
              switch (evt) {
                case TCP_EVT_CONREQ:
                  /* Remote host is trying to connect to our TCP socket. */
                  /* 'ptr' points to Remote IP, 'par' holds the remote port. */

                  /* Return 1 to accept connection, or 0 to reject connection */
                  return (1);
                case TCP_EVT_ABORT:
                  /* Connection was aborted */
                case TCP_EVT_CONNECT:
                  /* Socket is connected to remote peer. */
                case TCP_EVT_CLOSE:
                  /* Connection has been closed */

                case TCP_EVT_ACK:
                  /* Our sent data has been acknowledged by remote peer */

                case TCP_EVT_DATA:
                  /* TCP data frame has been received, 'ptr' points to data */
                  /* Data length is 'par' bytes */

    return (0);