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LINT and the __packed keyword


Looking to see if anyone else has cured this before I spend time trying myself
I collect GPS data in a unpadded structure thats then sent via GPRS to a server.

typedef __packed struct
  U8 bHours;
  U8 bMinutes;
  U8 bSeconds;
  double fLatitude;
  double fLongitude;
  U16 wSpeed;
  U16 wHeading;
  U16 wAltitude;
  U8 bDay;
  U8 bMonth;
  U8 bYear;
 U8 bGSMBitRate;

when I lint the code I get the following errors/warnings
C:\ControlModule\Application\GPS\Gps.h(32,17): Error 10: Expecting ';'
C:\ControlModule\Application\GPS\Gps.h(49,9): Error 129: declaration expected, identifier 'stGPSMsg' ignored

I have used the co-rv.lnt that was in the Keil directory ( e.g. Compiler Options for the ARMCC Compiler Version 5.02.28 )

I have tried using -d__packed and -d__packed= gobble in the options.lnt file

is it better to try the GNU option that the ARM tool understands
e.g. __attribute((packed)) type attribute.

I can live without a cure but like not to have lint warnings or info comments on my code
