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Singlesegmeted mode for С164CI with BSL debugging

Are any one have ever tried to debug the C164CI target in BSL-mode for nonsegmented-mode of uC?
The problems are:
1. The values of segment part of addresses are appear as free-switching bits in debugger. It means that in correct setup on P0 and other software setups the A16 and higher bits in disasm window are in unpredictable states. It's not suitable while debugging with the C-source.
2. The Monitor context switcher seems not works properly: I can stop programm through ASC0 interrupt only once! The PSW IEN flag will be lost after resuming, so it's impossible to stop the programm once again. (I've made the test where I've found it (simply by copying the PSW in RAM location), but in debugger the PSW state looks normaly (0x0800). Of course I've used very simply test to understand the problem, just:
void main(void)
do {} while (1);
Of course my target works properly, I've made some more complex tests to be sure, but all my problems are in above mentioned items.
(STEP, BreakPoint Stop, RST and so on, what going throughout NMI vector all in all works well).
Are there any comments?