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How should I interpret this ?

I am developing a signal processing application on the STM32F4 Discovery board, and am in need to use the DAC feature to output a processed signal.
Trying to understand how to initialize the DAC so that it uses DMA and Timer6 to generate the sample rate, I looked at the example project in the Pheripheral_Examples document, and came across this snippet of code :

  * @brief  TIM6 Configuration
  * @note   TIM6 configuration is based on CPU @168MHz and APB1 @42MHz
  * @note   TIM6 Update event occurs each 37.5MHz/256 = 16.406 KHz
  * @param  None
  * @retval None

I have problems in understanding the comments... where does the 37.5 MHz value come from ?
Maybe they intended 42 MHz ? And even if it is a typo and the value is actually 42 MHz,
then 42MHz / 256 (the autoreload value of the timer) is equal to 164.0625 kHz and not what is written in the comment... given that the example is meant to generate a sound, the sampling frequency of kHz seems to be more correct than kHz.

Is there anybody who has actually programmed Timer6 to generate a given sample rate and tat can give a couple of words of wisdom on this ?
