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Keil Bug

Look at this code if i replace 1024 in array with more than 2048 compiler work fine but micro hang !!
program work fine with 1024 or less.
i use at91sam7x256 this have 64KB Ram.
if i replace char with int then more than 256 have the same problem.

#include <at91sam7x256.h>

int main (void){

char buf[1024]="Hello World";

*AT91C_PIOB_PER = (1 << 0) | (1 << 1);
*AT91C_PIOB_OER = (1 << 0) | (1 << 1);
*AT91C_PIOB_SODR = (1 << 1);
*AT91C_PIOB_CODR = (1 << 0);

return 0;
