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USB Virtual COM Port problem

Today I have a functionnal USB CDC driver that implements the ACM sub class.

The problem is when I reset my device, the application on computer do not see that the COM port is lost (Tera Term or other terminal) and the only way to restore communication is to close Tera Term, reset one more time the device and then restart tera term.
When I simulate the same case with a USB to RS232 converter (Prolific driver), the only things I have to do is reopen the COM port after the device has restarted. It use a proprietary driver and serenum.sys.

It seems that serenum.sys driver is linked to plug and play functionnality. But I do not understand what I must do, if I simply add the filter in Inf, it does nothing. Is this possible to do it with only usbser.sys and serenum.sys or I must create a custom windows driver ?
I hope you will be able to help me, i'm a bit lost.
