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Place all printf strings in a switched bank

I may be asking for the moon here, but I'd like to place all printf strings in a specific code bank. Right now, I'm not using banking at all but we're starting to get close to 64K. The project has about 10K of printf strings scattered throughout the code and the text would fit nicely in one of the 16K banks that are avaialble. I'm thinking that I could create a wrapper function around printf that would switch in the bank of string data before calling printf and then switch it back out. Moving all the strings to one source file is not an option because it would too hard to maintain.

Thanks for any help you can give.

BTW, it is interesting to look at the code generated when calling printf():

printf("uint16=%u,int16=%d,uint32=%lu,uint16=%u\n", pMyStruct->Uint16, pMyStruct->Int16, MyUint32, MyUint16);

023C 900000  R     MOV     DPTR,#pMyStruct
023F 120000  E     LCALL   ?C?PLDXDATA
0242 900004        MOV     DPTR,#04H
0245 120000  E     LCALL   ?C?ILDOPTR
0248 85F000  E     MOV     ?_printf?BYTE+03H,B
024B F500    E     MOV     ?_printf?BYTE+04H,A
024D 90000B        MOV     DPTR,#0BH
0250 120000  E     LCALL   ?C?ILDOPTR
0253 85F000  E     MOV     ?_printf?BYTE+05H,B
0256 F500    E     MOV     ?_printf?BYTE+06H,A
0258 900000  R     MOV     DPTR,#MyUint32
025B 120000  E     LCALL   ?C?LLDXDATA
025E 8F00    E     MOV     ?_printf?BYTE+0AH,R7
0260 8E00    E     MOV     ?_printf?BYTE+09H,R6
0262 8D00    E     MOV     ?_printf?BYTE+08H,R5
0264 8C00    E     MOV     ?_printf?BYTE+07H,R4
0266 900000  E     MOV     DPTR,#MyUint16
0269 E0            MOVX    A,@DPTR
026A FE            MOV     R6,A
026B A3            INC     DPTR
026C E0            MOVX    A,@DPTR
026D 8E00    E     MOV     ?_printf?BYTE+0BH,R6
026F F500    E     MOV     ?_printf?BYTE+0CH,A
0271 7BFF          MOV     R3,#0FFH
0273 7A00    R     MOV     R2,#HIGH ?SC_624
0275 7900    R     MOV     R1,#LOW ?SC_624
0277 120000  E     LCALL   _printf