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Bootloader: Flash Download Failed

HI All,

I compile the DFU example from ST using Keil MDK and try to download it into Bank 1. I always get a error: Flash Download failed -- ARM966E-S(I am using STR912FAW44). The following is what I do:

I setup the uVISION IDE the same as the thread

Setup FMI in str91x.s

FMI_SETUP       EQU     1
FMI_CR_Val      EQU     0x00000018
FMI_BBSR_Val    EQU     0x00000000
FMI_BBADR_Val   EQU     0x00000000
FMI_NBBSR_Val   EQU     0x00000006
FMI_NBBADR_Val  EQU     0x00400000
FLASH_CFG_Val   EQU     0x00000000

Setup STR91xCFG.s

CFG             EQU     1
CFG_W0          EQU     0x00000000
CFG_W1          EQU     0x00010000

What am I missing in my project setting?

