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Why does the simulation time not progress in the status bar?

I am simulating a generic Cortex M3 model using uVision 4.10 but simulation time never progresses. The status bar always shows zero, and the "Sec" value in the registers window always shows zero. The "States" increments when I simulate, but it seems that uVision doesn't know how to relate that to real time. Is there something other than the "Xtal" frequency in the target's options that needs to be configured?

  • I figured this out. It seems to be a problem with the generic model for the M3. Regardless of what you tell it in the target properties for the "Xtal" or in the CPU options in the device database (where it states "CPU=CLOCK(12000000)") it does not actually set up the internal clock registers.

    I fixed it by explicitly writing to the two internal VTRs "CLOCK" and "XTAL" in my custom peripherals DLL. For example...

    Agsi.WriteVTR(VTREG[VTR_REG_CLOCK].hVTR, dwClock); Agsi.WriteVTR(VTREG[VTR_REG_XTAL].hVTR, dwXtal);

    Note that these two VTRs must have been defined earlier in the same DLL with the exact names that are used internally ("CLOCK" and "XTAL")