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Loading multiple executables on the STM32 flash memory


I have a couple of executables [ while(1) {...} loop programs within a main() function ] generated ( hex or bin or s19 ; for simplicity lets say hex ) and I want to allocate each hex file at a specific starting address in the flash memory, so that in a main program I can jump to a specific starting address depending on the input to execute the present code.

1. Any help to solve this problem ?
2. Is there any way to merge these hex files together and then I can can jump to their specific location ?

Thank you, Walid Farid

-------------------------------------- More about the problem ------------------------------

So, I've 3 developed projects where each project interfaces with specific peripherals on the development board. And, I want to load all 3 hex files ( or any other form of executable ) corresponding to each project to the flash memory and execute one of these codes at a time from the flash. I'm not sure why did you mention executing the code from the RAM, if I can execute it directly from the flash.

I thought, if I'm able to load the 3 hex files to the flash memory, I can load a 4th hex file, which given a specific input will run one of the 3 hex files at a time directly from the flash.

I'm using KEIL-MDK evaluation version and looking at the hex file, I can see that the starting/entry point of the code is 0x8000_00ED. So, I'm sure that all hex files will have the same entry point.

In KEIL-MDK, If I changed the code memory area to start at a different location than 0x8000_0000 ( say 0x8000_0100 ), will this change the starting/entry point ? Will the bootloader start executing the code at 0x8000_0100 which maps to the RESET routine? Or does the bootloader, regardless of the entry point in the hex file, places the code starting at 0x8000_0000 ?

I hope I clarified what I want to do ... so, regardless of or with regard to using hex files, how can I solve this problem ?


P.S. : This question has already been posted on the STM32 forums