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never ending loop on dbg_task_notify


I'm working on a project which uses RTX. All is running fine in the emulator but when I run in debug on the real target my init task (os_sys_init(Start)) is never called.
When I break the execution I can see that it blocks in the function dbg_task_notify. The problem is in bold, in fact the register r3 is always 0.
What does this function? Do you have any clue on this problem?

0x08002D00 F04F4260 MOV r2,#0xE0000000

0x08002D04 6FD3 LDR r3,[r2,#0x7C]
0x08002D06 2B00 CMP r3,#0x00
0x08002D08 D0FC BEQ 0x08002D04

0x08002D0A 6AC3 LDR r3,[r0,#0x2C]
0x08002D0C 67D3 STR r3,[r2,#0x7C]
0x08002D0E 6FD3 LDR r3,[r2,#0x7C]
0x08002D10 2B00 CMP r3,#0x00
0x08002D12 D0FC BEQ 0x08002D0E
0x08002D14 78C0 LDRB r0,[r0,#0x03]
0x08002D16 EA402001 ORR r0,r0,r1,LSL #8
0x08002D1A F8A2007C STRH r0,[r2,#0x7C]
0x08002D1E 4770 BX lr
